د امريکا د بهرنيوو چارو وزيرې کنډوليزا رايس ويلي چې پاکستان بايد په افغانستان کې د طالبانو د بريدونو د مخنيوي لپاره نورې هلې ځلې وکړي.
هغې په اسټريليا کې خبريالانو ته وويل. ((داسمه ده چې د پاکستان د حکومت لپاره صوبه سرحد يوه سخته سيمه ده خو د دې اجازه نه شي ورکول کيدی چې طالبان دې په دغه سيمه کې د افغانستان په خاوره کې د عملياتو پلانونه جوړ کړي.))
د يادونې وړه ده چې په دې وروستيوو کې په افغانستان کې د امريکايي سرتيرو مرګ ژوبله د ناقراره عراق څخه ډيره ده او همدغه خبرې امريکايان پريشانه کړي دي.
څه موده وړاندې په افغانستان کې يو امريکايي جنرال ويلي وو چې د پاکستان په قبايلي سيمو کې جنګيالي په ښکاره توګه ګرځي راګرځي چې بايد مخه يې ونيول شي.
It is very simple to say the Taliban should not coordinate their attacks in Pakistan, she forgot it, that for production of those fanatics was behind USA with full suppoert of ISI with enthusiasm during the former UdSSR occupation. The present and the next( it will be the same after next election) Afghan government has not the capability to control the border to Pakistan and to Iran, the Pakistan government has not have the capability to control the mentioned border either.
Mr. General of USA should not wonder, that the people are caring their weapons public in their areas, it is not happen now, it was always so.
Mr. Bush administration made unforgivable huge mistakes, they brought criminals and corrupted and incapable people together in Bonn 2001. The result of them we see it very clear during the 7 years, they robbed the reconstruction money, they are involved fully in drug business, they are fighting through intrigues among themselves for getting and keeping more power, those have additional strong supporter abroad too, therefor they started intrigues, they brought known killer communist, Gulbuddeen people and Taliban into their administration, we have since that time over all the country chaos and anarchy. The additional huge mistake of Mr. Bush administration was it to start a second war in Iraq with untrustfulness arguments, to start two wars at the same time, it is not any more wonder, that Mr. Bush administration are stick in huge trouble now and the soldiers are acting wild and brutal because of their nervousness, all those weakness are the cause for failing the goal to eliminate the terrors and killing lot of innocent people.
The nation is angry and fully disappointed, more soldiesrs and more weapon will not help, it will create an opposite effect as we could see it in the past and at the present time.
Patriots are be able to establish peace, security and to bring the border between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran under control, but not together with those criminals and corrupted people. Mr. Bush administration should accept its huge made mistakes and USA and EU should not clip together on those incapable corrupted people, who have strange connections to the neighbor countries too. It should avoid the percentage occupation of positions in government, the nation expected positive result in the past and at the present time, but it did not and it will not happen, the nation do not care, to which ethnic the honest, qualified guys are belonging, the nation is appreciated, if the nation could and can see the results of made slogans and for the nation is no matter, who and from which ethnic is serving the nation in honest way. Such intrigues created the sold peole in country during the 30 years. The artificial created democracy style will not work in Afghanistan, special with help of those corrupted criminals, they never understood the meaning of democracy, like it was the case by communists and in the past and at the present time by Mullahs. The next President of USA should not follow the created frame of Mr. Bush administration, it needs a great change, it needs to include the common people of Afghanistan into process, it needs to get trust by nation, that the foreigner supporter entered the country to bring peace, freedom, security and prosperity and the nation should see such slogans practical, unfortunately the nation is witness till now, that those selected people robbed the country, those are creating chaos and anarchy, the criminal elements are uniting to many groups because of announced questionable democracy day by day and those groups are paid from outside.
Mr. charismatic Karzai is thinking, that former died King is loved by nation, yes, the nation expected from him since 2001 practical actions, but he and his clan reflected to the nation their indifference, they kept them busy with collection of money and selling of questionable properties and he enjoyed himself with hand kissing in additional, Mr. Karzai announced to celebrate his dieying day and he does not care about the killing of many many innocent people in country. This action is insulting action. I woud be agree with his this action, if he could count his positive actions during 7 years and reflect it to the nation, but he has not his any any positive action.
It will be under estimate the Afghan nation, it should start correction actions soon, if not it happen in the near future, then we are affraid, that the fight will expand over Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Iran too, such huge disaster can be not stopped any more, the followed plan of clan Mr. Bush and its around to create a new order of the world, it will not only failed, it will be very hurtful for USA and EU too, USA and EU are talking about democracy, but they acted till now only as pig headed, what it will be preached, it should be realized first by themselves too, it means, thave have to accept the made huge mistakes and start fundamental change, you have to accept Afghans and let them to create and start democracy base on nation tradition and give them chance to demonstrate their qualities and give up to support those criminals