کور / ترخې خبري / د هزاره مشرانو مرموز اقدام !

د هزاره مشرانو مرموز اقدام !


په دې وروستیو کی یو ګروپ چی « د هزاره ګانو د حقوقو څارنه » نومیږی ، بارک اوباما ته په یو خط کی د سمسارې اوښکی توی کړی او د پښتنو پر ضد یی مرموز او مضر شرارت پسی رااخیستی دی . د غه سازمان د هزاره ګانو درواغجنه نمایندګی کوی او هغوی د افغانستان ۱۹٪ نفوس بولی . دا لیک وایی چی هزاره ګانو ته د څلورو مهمو وزارتونو ( لکه خارجه وزارت ، دفاع وزارت ، داخله وزارت او مالیه وزارت ) څخه یو لا هم نه دی ورکول سوی بلکی ګواکی څلور نور « غیر مهم » وزارتونه ورکول سوي دي . دا ډله د تعصب او بدبینۍ څخه ډکه دغه دعوه هم کوی چی امیر عبدالرحمن خان ۶۴٪ هزاره ګان قتل عام کړل .

دغه لیک اوباما ته زارۍ کوی او دا مرموز کسان په پښو کی ورلویږی چی لطفأ موږ ته پر پښتنو د ظلم کولو چانس راکړه .

دغه لیک د اوباما څخه غواړی چی هزاره ګانو ته ډیر حق او امتیازات ورکړی خو پر دغه امتیاز یی سترګي پټی کړی چی همدا اوس د افغانستان د ولسمشر یو مرستیال هزاره دﺉ چی لاسونه یی د زرګونو بیګناه انسانانو په وینو سره دي ، او څلور د کابینې غړي او په لسګونو پارلمانی استاځی او په زرګونو عالیرتبه مامورین لری .

د هر هېوادپال افغان دنده ده چی د دغسی بدخواهانو ، متعصبو ، بیلتون پالو او بیګانه پرستو ډلو ټپلو ناروا او درواغجنو لمسونونو ته متوجه اوسي او د هغوی مضر او مرموز فعالیتونه رسوا کړي . دا یې تاسو او دا هم نوموړی لیک چي په انګریزي ليکل سوی دی :

Hazara Rights Watch 
12th February 2009 

White House,
United States of America 


Dear President  

On the 5th of December 2001, at the Bonn Conference, the international community established the roadmap for a political process of state building in Afghanistan. It agreed to set up a democratic government to work towards establishing a broad-based multi-ethnic and fully representative government.  Although, some achievements have been made towards reaching this goal by the Afghan government and the international community, the Hazara minorities have largely been excluded and alienated from this process.

Hazaras are one of four main ethnic groups in Afghanistan. According to ‘Minority at Risk’ of University of Maryland, one of the most credible ethnic databases, Hazaras make up 19% of the Afghan population. During the history of Afghanistan’s nation-building, the Hazara population has been the main victim of Pashtun hegemony and internal imperialism. We, the Hazara minority, have been victimized exclusively because of our Turko-Mongoloid physical appearance and particular cultural customs. The first mass genocide of Hazaras took place in the 1890s by Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, when 64% of Hazaras were massacred, while the rest were forcibly replaced to the Central Highlands. This has been recorded in length by the most renowned Afghan historian, Feiz Mohammad Kateb. More recent massacres reported by the Human Rights Watch are the Afshar massacre in 1993, Mazare-Sharif and the Bamyan massacres by the Taliban in 1998-9. In Bamyan, according to the US Department of State, hundreds of civilians including women and children were murdered by the Taliban; while the Human Right Watch 2005 Report puts this figure to 2000 civilians. This is not to mention the destruction of the giant Buddha statues at Bamyan by the Taliban, which struck at the very cultural existence of the Hazara minority.  

In spite of the great sufferings of Hazara people, particularly during the Taliban, they have largely been excluded and marginalized from the present power-sharing government. None of the main ministries, Defence, Foreign, Interior or Finance is allocated to Hazaras. The 4 ministries given to Hazaras out of 27 are largely symbolic and have little impact on the overall decision-making process. Data from the 2006 Afghan Government’s Ethnic Allocation of third to fifth grade high officials show that overall Hazaras occupy between 3 to 5% of the positions in the government, though comprising 19% of the population.  For instance, there are only 4% Hazaras in the Finance department and 3.74% in the Interior department, compared to 44% Pashtuns and 39% Pashtuns in the same departments respectively. This shows the continuing discrimination and exclusion of the Hazara minority in Afghanistan in the government, military and higher education. 

While, we the Hazara people of Afghanistan are grateful to the international community for their aid to the country, we believe that the Hazaras have been largely excluded from incoming international aid. According to the 2008 ACBAR paper, there are significant disparities in the geographical distribution of aid. Most of the aid is disproportionately allocated to the Southern Pashtun provinces where the Taliban reside; whereas the Central highland Hazaras have ironically become the victim of their cooperation with and assistance to the international community. According to Oxfam 2008, the three Southern provinces of Helmand, Kandahar and Nimroz received more than two thirds of assistance from the USAID, while the province of Dai Kundi in the Central Highlands received less than 1 mn USD. These disparities are also reflected in the allocation of budgets by the Afghan government. For 2007-2008 the most insecure provinces of Nimroz, Helmand, Zabul, and Kandahar in the South were allocated more than $200 per person, whereas Bamyan province received even less than one third of this figure. 

The Hazara Rights Watch is a lobby organisation that campaigns for change in the direction of state-building in Afghanistan. It foresees that a peaceful Afghanistan can only be achieved if the international community take a more inclusive approach to state-building in Afghanistan. Therefore, we propose the following: 

  • Positive discrimination of Hazaras in the government, military and higher education.

  • More equal distribution and allocation of aid by the international community and the Afghan government.

  • A shift from the policy of rewarding insecurity and excluding the safer areas. This entails more economic and political support to the Hazara people, who have unconditionally supported and co-operated with the international community.

These proposals are supported by a number of Hazara and international organisations, including Hazara Human Rights group… Amnesty International, Oxfam UK, .. 

We urgently request and hope that you support these reforms for a better future for Afghanistan. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this important matter.  

Yours Faithfully, 

Hazara Rights Watch Campaign Group 

تبصره نسته

  1. د لر او بر ویب پاڼی ښاغلو چلونکو ، جالب معلومات مو خپاره کړي دي . دغه ډلی ټپلی په رښتیا هم د افغانستان په بی دفاع او بی خاونده کرونده کی د ایران د هژمونیسټی رژیم مضر تخم دی چی د تیرو دیرشو کالو راهیسی یی کرلی او اوس پر « ثمر ! » راغلی دی . دا ډلی ټپلی خود کُش بیګانه پرست او نمک حرامه عناصر دي چی د خپلی کمبلی څخه پښې اوږدې غځوی دا سی نه چی یو وخت غوڅی نه شی!

  2. هغه لیکوالان وروڼه چې بحر کی اوسی، پکار ده کومی معتبره ورځپاڼی ته لکه، Telegraph, New York Times, یا نوری رسنیو ته د هزاره ګانو په هکله یو ښه پوخ مطلب ولیکی تر څو ددوی اصلیت ټولو ته څرګند کړی، د دوی ظلمونه…..او دا چی امیر عبدالرحمن دوی وژل، دا خو نه پکی لیکی چی ولی، یی وژل؟
    آیا مرمئ، یا توپونه پری زیات وو!
    خو کله هرات په ایران ور تړی، کله بامیان، دغه مضر ټبر کله افغانستان ته صادق دی، پکار خو داوه چی له دوی سره داسی چلند وشی، لکه ارمنیان په ترکیه کی، چی ترکیه یی تری صفا کړه.
    په هر صورت له ګودی پران باز څخه دا د دوی دوهم وار وو، چی پر پښتنو یی وکړ، خو پښتانه چوپ پاتی شول، اوس پکار ده چی لیکوالان ددوی اصلی څیر د نړی په مطبوعاتو کی څرګنده کړی، لکه هاری ورور، چی اکثره وقت د نیویارک تایم مضمونونه ترجمه کوی، نو که دی خپله په دی هکله څه ولیکی ښه به وی.

  3. Da lar aw bar drano lidunku aw katonko da khuday lapara wali na pohigoo tira wraz mi da afghanistan da pokhwani mali wazir ANWARULHAQ AHADY pasi pa yewa web pana ki deri bady khabary walidi deer khafa shoom aw la zana sara mee wawel chi daham da yew pokton khabary aw dasi razy nur da aw hagha prigdu aw tol sara yew shoo kana hagha da GHAFAR KHAN BABA khabara ya ba yew kigu ka na wrakigu
    pa dranawee

  4. Amir Abdur Rahman Khan, the 19 century king of Afghanistan kept his country united by defeating internal enemies indiscriminately. Like every other rulers of the world, the Afghan King acted and decided rightly and justly to keep his country safe and unite. That’s what he did and it was right. He killed every one who tried to create problem in Afghanistan no matter it was Pashtun, Hazara or else.
    The ground reality is that Hazara, Tajik, Uzbek minorities in Afghanistan had better opportunities and better life than the majority Pashtun population. Still 1-2 million Pashtuns have nomadic life but most of the minorities are settled in the cities and enjoying better life conditions.
    Some hazara and other ethnic fanatics in Afghanistan and in the western countries try to use the current situation in Afghanistan for their own benefits by finding excuses against Pashtuns.
    Which country of the world does not have minorities with a lot of problems and injustice?
    To blame some one for everything is very easy but to prove something is not easy. It is matter of facts and logic to prove your claim. Who will care about the lie that was invented and created by an Hazara like Khalid Hussaine for his novel story, The Kite Runner?
    You should study the history of Afghans and finding ways for how to deal with Pashtuns instead of complaining to Mr. Barak Obama.

  5. وروڼو له ایران څخه یواځی پښتانه نه دی په عذاب، تاسی مصریان وګوری ، چی څه وایی.
    خمینی په خپلو ویناوو کی ویلی، چی دا ځل باید اسلام نړی د ایران په وسیله اداره شی.
    ویډیو وګوری، په عربی او انګریزی ژبه.

  6. Asalam u Alikum
    Hope you are all fine and doing well, may peace and blessing of Allah Almighty on all of you dears , Actually as I am a Muslim and Pashtun , having read the above letters which was sent to Barak u Bama the new president of USA by our selfish Hazara tribe , so what Barak u bama can do for previously vital adventures , actually he can't do any thing to reverse back and judge the previous genocide , and I am really ashamed for that that how come Hazara claim to have such positions in current government , if you all remember about the time of King Dawood hazara people had not have the right even to be more than a simple soldiers currently even they reached to top levels up to the post of a Prim nester , so what they want more from Pashtuns , dear brothers believe me that since long time I have been teaching these hazara people computers with no cost as I am working with one of the private companies so they have been come to me and try to learn from me but believe me as a Muslim as well showing them something to develop but by reading such articles as they are reversing the previously enemy they are not doing well, and as well they should admit that they are not the majority but the minority and even they are not capable of to be a simple guard but this was US policy raised them to higher positions, I am the witness that these hazaras are fighting shoulder to shoulder against pashtuns Muhahidin so dear Muslim and pashtuns brothers let's up our sleeves and slogans against them , and pray to our Almighty Allah to demotion them and make them once again poor to come and beg for a Penney. According to my point of view they are a sever virus whom they want to infect our holey and clean society so let’s prevent them from more infections if they remain the same they will once reached to the position to be the president let’s demote them and weakens and must not let them to be more serious for our country , you see now a days most of Hazara girls are doing love mirages with different tribes even with non Muslims because they are that much horny they try to make themselves cool on really hot people , at last I would say is that they are nothing .

  7. ازینکه بنده جدیدا با این ویب سایت اشنایی حاصل کرده ام اولین بار بااین نامه شرمناک افرادی نادان وجاهل چندی برخوردم که اگر راست باشد جایی بس تامل وتاسف است که از یک بیگانه درجهت رسیدن به قدرت استمداد خواسته شود.این عمل خلاف اصول اخلاق اسلامی وعنعنات افغانیست.به نظر من جواب چنین جاهلان خاموشیست وبس.چون انچه عیان است نه حاجت به بیان است.همزیستی مسالمت امیز وبرادری تمام اقوام وملیت های با هم برادر افغانستان طی 5000 سال گواه این مدعای ماست که نمیتوان مردم این سرزمین باستانی را باتوطه های بیگانه گان از هم جدا ساخت .بگذار بگویند بنویسند فریاد بکشند ولی مارا از هم جدانخواهند توانست وحدت ملی ما پابرجاخواهدبود.اما اگر ما خواستهای خود را در پرتو قانون اساسی کشورمان بخواهیم یقیناا به نتیجه خواهیم رسید استمداد خواستن ازهمسایگان نتیجه جز ویرانی وبدبختی بیشتری برای ما نخواهد داشت. چنانچه طی 30سال اخیر تجربه نشانداد که این بدبختی ها دامنگیر همه اقوام وملیت های ساکن این کشور ازجمله این برادران که امروز از بیگانه ها کمک میخواهند. بوده است .پس بهتر است که این برادران در نیات وخواستهای بیجای خویش تجدید نظرکنند وازاصول وموازین اسلامی وافغانی عدول نه ورزند .درتفاهم بادیگر برادران افغانی خویش کشوررا ازین مهلکه تجزیه جنگ ونفاق که خواسته بیگانه گان وهمسایگان است نجات دهند .دراخیر نه تنها شما بلکه دیگرانی ازقماش شما ازهر ملیتی که باشداگر چنین خواست شرمناکی داشته باشند نه تنهابراورده نخواد شد بل همه انها-یکجا درین اتش نفاق خواهند سوخت وبیگانگان ازدورتماشا خواهند کرد چنانجه طی این30سال کردند.

  8. مه تشکر میکنم از دوست عزیز خود آقای وردک از هالند. به فکر من نه زمان اتاترک در ترکیه است و نه هم دوران عبدالرحمان . قتل عام ها زمان اش گذشته است .بهتر است که واقعیت ها را پذیزفت و به حیث یک روشن فکر پشتون که واقعا برای شما احترام دارم، از کرده های عبدالرحمان خان در برابر هزاره ها معذرت خواهی نماید، تا باشد برادر وار برای باز سازی افغانستان مظلوم که مصائب زیاد را دیده است همه با هم تلاش نمایم . تجربه در جهان معاصر نشان داده است که انسان های عاقل از گذشته های تاریک که سبب بدختی کشور شان شده است، پشیمان اند و میخواهند که صفحه جدید را باز نمایند. اگر علاقه نداشتید که نظریات بنده را بپذیرید لطفا جواب هم نمیخواهم . از دوستان گرداننده این سایت با نهایت اخلاص خواهش می کنم که نوشته هایم را با تحمل مطالعه نمایند و در صورت ممکن به زبان پشتو باز گردان نمایند . زنده باد افغانستان و زنده باد همه ای اقوام افغانستان .احمد کابل

  9. Dear Friends,
    It is clear as sun that Hazara the sons of Changees and Halakoo have always been the core of the problems in the history of Afghanistan. They have committed countless offenses, murders, and human rights voilation not only against Pashtuns but also against Tajiks and other minorities in Afghanistan. Remember the famous Raqs Murda(Dance of Dead) video clip where they would beheaded innocents and poured hot cooking oil on their cut throut to dance. These crimes are all written in the International and National Reports and documents. Hundreds of innocent girls and women were raped by those fierce animal.

    Amer Abdul Rahman did very well against these animals…but remember that he did all this for a reason that they would become a problem one day…and they really became.
    Despite that fact that Hazara comprises only 5-7% of the Afghan population, they are given more 40% positions in the Government posts.

    The second vice President is Hazara
    The Minister of Public Work is Hazara
    The Minister of Justice is Hazara
    The Aviation Minister who looted Ariana Afghan was Hazara
    The Minister of Women’s Affairs is Hazara
    The Governor of Bamyan is Hazara
    The Minister of Counter Norcotic is Hazara
    The Head of Office of Administratie Affairs is Hazara
    The Planning Minister and now the Member of Parliament (Bashardoost) is Hazara

    If the letter to President Obama complains about Foriegn Aid reaching only to South is absolutly baseless. I remember from my past working experience with the UN organization that more than fifty percent of National and International NGOs were working in Diakundi and Bamyan and Ghazni filling the assholes of Hazara….
    Similarly, more than forty five to fift percent of Students in Kabul University comprises Hazara.

    In addition, more than 80% of Private Sector is the monopoly of Hazara and it has been widely dominated by Hazara employees. For example,Roshan Company, Tolo TV, Agah Khan Foundation,Oxfam GB, Kabul Serina and multiple other Hotels and Restaurants in the city of Kabul are served and employed by Hazara…where they also serve their beautiful girls as prostitutes for the international guests.
    I am sure that President Obama, despite these bastards flattering words, will not blindly take it important.

    The History has proved and will prove that this country belongs to the proud nation of Pashtun and will belong to them until their is one single Pashtun alife as we believe that this is our Land and this is our country and will defend it with the cost of our blood as our ancestors did it in the past.
    It is now up to Hazara bastards to either peacefully live in this war torn country or go to their places of origin. In addition, Obama should also remember that Hazaras are religously loyal to Iran which is the most dreadful enemy of American interest in the Middle East and Central Asia….so he had better never expect something at the American interest from these mother fuckers.

    Down with Hazara and Tajik and Long Live Pakhtoon

  10. Salamona,
    My dear Pashton brothers, whatever is happening to Pashtons are due to our own Pashtons.Hazara and others cannot kill us but it is our own ignorant Pashtons who kill our educated Pashtons and intellectuals.
    God help us

  11. دا احمد-کابل لاپکی څوک شو؟ اوس یی خوند اوکه ورکه دیکه…. اوس به موږ دهزارګانو نه معافی غواړو؟ داهم امکان لری؟ ډیرساده سری یی ته خو، وایی [ بس صحیح شو کرزی دهغه ډوز ته (خلیلی ته) ننواتی ورولی هسی هم ترینه ډیر زیات وریږی

  12. زه فکرکوم هزاره ګان که دانیت ولري چې له پښتنو بدل واخلي دا به ددوې لپاره ډيرې بدې تاریخي پایلې ولري لکه څرنګه چې مزاري دپښتنو په سرونو میخونه ټکوهل خو په دير بد مرګ ووژل شو او بیا طالبانو ورته هزاره جات قتل عام کړ.

    ښه به داوي چې اقلیتونه دبل چا په زور ونه نازیږي او له پښتنو سره په حیا او عزت کې ددوې دنیکونو په څير ژوند وکړي چې پښتون باید دمشر ورور په حیث ومني او دوې کشران واوسي. امیر عبدالرحمان خان ترګډوډیو وروسته يو مرکزي حکومت پیاوړی کاوه او هرچا چې ورسره مخالفت کړی سزا يي ورکړی ده که هغه هزاره ګان وو که پښتانه او که نور څوک.

    او ددې کلک دریز په پایله کې يي مرکزي حاکمیت ټینګ کړ. اوس هم یو عبدالرحمان خانه ته اړتیا ده چې مرکزي حاکمیت ټينګ کړي او سقاویان او نور یاغیان په زور وټکوي او حکومت کولو ته يي راضي کړي.

  13. ګرانولوستونکو:
    دهزاره ګانودغه لیک چه داوباماڅخه یې غوښتنه کړې ده چه دوی ته پرپښتنوباندې دظلم کولوموقع ورکړي،دوی په خپله لیکنه کې کاږي چه ټول قتلونه چه دوی ځینې یاده کړې ده پښتنوکړي دي. دمثال په توګه دافشارقتل عام چه داټوله دنیاته لکه هنداره معلومه ده چه مسعودیانوکاروو.

    دغه لیک ددوی دضعیف ایمان ښکارندوی دی چه دوی دخدای (ج)څخه نه بلکه داوبامانه مرسته غوښتې ده.نواوبامابه څه وکړي.دابیچاره ګان خودایرانیانوله خوا هم لکه دماشومانودلوبووسایل استعمالیږي،حال داچه په ایران کې هم ددوی سره دیوانسان په څیرچلندنه کیږي اودوی دبربریانوپه نوم وهل اوټکول کیږي.

  14. په زړه پوري مالومات مو راكړ.
    ترلمر سپينه ده چې د هزاره كام له كومه راپيداشوى ، چېري شين شوى او دچاپه ډوډۍ لوى شوى دى؟

    هزاره ګان دي يو وار دخپل لوى بابا چنګېزخان كړني او كردار ته ښه په ځير وګوري او دخپل ځان سره دي په پټه نياو(قضاوت) وكړي چې كوم تېرى نه وو چې هغه دي په افغانستان كې ددوى دلاسه نه وي شوى، ترداسې بريده چې داتيرشوى توپان نه يوازي پرپښتنو افغانانو تېرشوى بلكه دايران ځيني ايالتونه هم په ډېري بېرحمۍ ځپلي او سوزولي دي.
    زه ددوى كړني او پاليسۍ ته هك پك پاتي يم عجبه لاداچې دوى دايران هغه دڅو كلونو خدمتونه ، پيسې او ټول څه هېر كړل او دايران سخت مخالف اولوى دښمن ته يې چې اوس اوس دايران په مقابل كې نوې دښمني پيلوي لاس اوږد كړ او دهغوى څخه دمرستې غوښتنه كړېده .

    زه وايم چې نور خوپرېږده ، ايران ته به څه ځواب وايي ؟ ايا دابه دايران خوښه وي چې ددوى روزلي خلګ دشل كلن چوپړ نه وروسته ددوى ستر دښمن ته ليك واستوي اودهغوى څخه دمرستي غوښتنه وكړي؟

  15. tooloo afghananoo wroonoo ta salaamoona wraandi kawam.khabara dada che dooy deera sahwaakareeda che da a khabara yee kareeda …dooy ba allah tel hamdaasi khawaar aw zaar lary .amnana…anoosh…..