کور / هراړخیز / Nationalism Burns Humanism

Nationalism Burns Humanism

Think that you are Pashtoon/Tajik/Hazara/Uzbek because you speak and write Pashto/Dari/Hazaragi/Uzbeki, but think for a while that you have lost your tongue, both hands and both legs and now you are unable to speak and write Pashtoo/Dari/Uzbaki/Hazaragi/. So, now should your Pashtoon/Tajik/Hazara/Uzbek brothers exclude you from Pashtoo/Tajik/Hazara/Uzbek tribe or keep out you from Afghanistan? No, never because you were a human being and still you are a human being.

All people have only one identity which is “Human Being”, but only they are segregated into two groups – the good doers and bad doers.

The Holy Qur’an emphasizes the universal unity of mankind:

Translation of the verse:
“O people! Be careful of (your duty to) your Lord, Who created you from a single being and created its mate of the same’ kind, and spread from these two many men and women.”(4:1)

Allah (SWT) says in holy Qur’an:

Translation of the verse:
“O you men! Surely We have created you of a male and a female and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with God is the one among you most careful of his duty.” (49:13)

The prophet Mohammad (PBUH) says,

Translation of the Hadith:
Whoever invites the others towards nationalism is not of us, whoever defends nationalism is not of us and whoever dies on nationalism is not of us.

Let Me Elaborate Nationalism:

Studying the nationalism background deeply we consequently shall explore that that nationalism has been proved more destructive than constructive for a peaceful world, because the colonialist policies and violence’s proved that the false inspiration of nationalism is used just for the enslaving of oppressed nations and opened the doors of cruelty and killing of innocent and blameless human beings, and it was the result of nationalism, patriotism, colonialism, language holiness, and national interest that today we see the whole world is burning in different ways.

The main evil effects of nationalism can be summarized as below:

· Competition to enslaving each other
· Dominating weak nations
· Paving the way for colonization
· Good means of war
· Great cause of killing blameless and innocent people
· Boasting and fighting for glorifying one’s own history
· Giving birth of worse political policies to keep one’s own racial and tribal supremacy
· Leading source of violence, force, cruelty and crimes.
· Creating the sense of disrespect towards others beliefs, customs and traditions.
· The capitalists and factory owners used nationalism as a strong weapon and they stimulated their nation’s feelings through the poison of nationalism and inspired the slogan of “national interests or own profits”.
· Dominating the local market for their own products
· Seizing the economical system of weak nations
· Nationalism restricted the human’s free movement from one part of the world to another part of the world.
· The school of nationalism caused differences among human beings through language, territory, race, ethnicity, place, ideology, and political organizations.
· The end of nationalism and patriotism is just selfishness nothing more
· In the school of nationalism the flag, national symbol and national anthem are considered sacred and for each of them the human beings have to have every kind of sacrifices while we need to have sacrifices to stop shading of human’s blood
· Nationalistic sentiments in one country usually leads to intolerance against other nations

We can observe and realize the pains of nationalism that caused throughout Afghanistan. We write our country’s name as THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN and we claim that majority of us are Muslim and we boast that most of us have had significant sacrifices for Islam but unfortunately most of us do not know what Islam orders us because most of us act contradictory what we express or what Islam orders us because the school of Islam brings difference through goodness and badness, means it emphasizes that all human beings are equal, the difference between them is that the one who is good in his/ her dealing and honest in his all affairs of his/ her life is the best and is the righteous person while a nationalist believes that nation and country is superior to all, most of the time we make efforts just for the sake of tribe not for the favor of human being.

Islam orders strongly that every human being must be respected everywhere and the rights of human beings must be protected everywhere. Boasting of being strong Muslims we must adopt humanity, nobility and goodness as the basis of unity and reject attachment to territory, race, etc…

Considering supremacy by language in Afghanistan is another evil based belief, language is just a source of communication not the cause of holiness and goodness and the language doesn’t have any link with nationality because India has more than ten national languages at national level but still they are considered as one nation – Indian, Switzerland has three different languages in three regions, and yet they are recognized as one nation. On the other hand America, Canada and British have same language but they are recognized different nations. Yes, we are to love our land, people just to serve them in a better way which is not harming others or smashing other’s rights.

If territorial, racial and lingual intolerance is good, then it is good for both sides, and if it is bad, it is so for both. We cannot judge by two different criteria. If the nationalism of America’s whites is good, why should that of its blacks be bad? If the nationalism of Afghanistan’s Pashtoon is good, why should that of its Tajik, Uzbek, and Hazara is bad? The Islam prescribes the ideal system for all human beings, whether white or black, eastern or western, all of whom can join the proposed union, whereas nationalism can expand only through conquering weak nations.

Thus, divisions into tribes and groups is for the purpose of knowing one another better, not for taking pride, showing love or hate, seeking superiority or engaging in difference of opinion. The only criteria are faith, belief and chastity.

There is not a single verse in the Quran concerning the authenticity of nationality and division of mankind on the basis of land and blood. The Quran calls all men to kindness and happiness, not to national and racial privileges.

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) says:
“There is no superiority for Arabs over non-Arabs or for non-Arabs over Arabs. All are sons of Adam.”

Also the Prophet Mohammad (s) says:
“There is no superiority for Arabs over non-Arabs, for non- Arabs over Arabs, for the white over the black and for the black over the white, except by chastity.”

After the capture of Mecca, in his first public speech which was in fact a declaration of his ideological and political attitude, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:
“O people, all of you are from Adam and Adam is from the earth. There is no pride in ancestry, no pride for Arabs over non- Arabs, nor for non- Arabs over Arabs. Your worth with God depends on your chastity.”

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) says:
“There is no superiority of the white over the black or the black over the white.” unless due to the criterion of virtue.

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), addressing the tribe of Bani-Hashim said:
“O Bani-Hashim, love the people for their deeds, not for kinship.”


There is no doubt that some of the evil-spirits are nationalism and patriotism which are always remained harmful for the human’s society. Through these evil-spirits the majorities always swallowed the minorities; the majorities have never cared of any cruelty for the domination of the minorities and weak nations. These evil-spirits always divided the members of the society into different divisions and organs then lead them to the ground where the divided organs kill each other. Thus, to dominate each other they care of nothing, these evil-spirits create a tremendous sense of selfishness through which a nation thinks just about its own profits and for the maintaining of their benefits they never care for the others innocent sweet lives.

· The flag is just a piece of cloth or other decorated material, now, you decide that the nobility and holiness of human’s life is important or the holiness and nobility of a piece of cloth? So, will you kill the others for the keeping high of a piece of cloth? Yes, you can have a flag just for your recognition but not to kill others for the sake of flag.
· Land is just created for the living of the living things. Can you judge openly that the nobility of a human being is important or the confine of your homeland? Yes, you can have respect for your land and can defend your land when you are in danger.
· You and your nation have the same size, shape and structure as the other mankind have, so, will you crash the other lives to dominate them and restrict their freedom?
· A national anthem is just few stanzas of poem and a composition of music and sound. Now, can you precise that the sweet lives of innocent people are important or the few stanzas of a poem, composition of music and sound? So, will you dominate and oppress the others for the glory of your national anthem?
· Just think for a short moment and notice carefully for the countries which are in war, how much they are in trouble, how the innocent children, women are wounded, lost their limbs…etc. So, will you still continue your efforts to dominate the others for your national interest and profits?
· Every Young-Afghan is kindly requested to disregard all kind of differences and work together for the bright future of Afghan’s oppressed nation.
· I heard that a Jew writer has said wonderfully: The animals and birds do not have corrupted politicians. Thus, they could move everywhere freely and there is no restrictions in their lives. But the human beings have corrupted politicians. Therefore, they always tried to kill each other and restricted their movement towards each other.

Please! Think about your future development and relief, the disputes over importance of language, sect, and tribe will never be proved constructive but a destructive monster.

Below are the Holy Qur’an verses and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Hadith that are translated on the starting of the topic:

ياايهاالناس اتقواربکم الذی خلقکم من نفس واحدة و خلق منها زوجها وبث منهما رجالا كثيراونسا ء

يا ايها الناس انا خلقنا کم من ذکروانثى و جعلنا کم شعوباوقبايل لتعارفوا ان اکرمکم عندالله اتقاکم

ليس منا من دعا الی عصبة، وليس منا من قاتل علی عصبة، وليس منا من مات علی عصبة.