کور / سياسي / Taliban Conference, President Karzai and Peace

Taliban Conference, President Karzai and Peace

The people are not deeply thinking about the President Karzai statement that he said, America will confirm the Peace success in the Afghanistan, when America accept it, on that time I will sign BSA.

Taliban Says, if there is one American Soldier in the country, they will continue the fight, so it seems that the door of peace is closed during the presence of American Soldiers and Bases for American troops.

President Karzai knows, the signing of the BSA, or agreeing on that, will close the door of peace completely, but they would like to mislead International community and Afghan Civilian.

If President Karazai wants the real peace, so why he promising with American signing of the BSA, actually his requisite/term is against the principle, if he is agree with BAS, there is no any more chance for the peace, he will clearly reject the American presence and Bases in Afghanistan, due to opening of the Peace door.

All 2014 Presidential Election candidates saying in there debates and discussion with elders that they will give priority to peace, instantly they are saying they will sing BAS with USA.

It seems their peace voice is only for misleading of the Afghan Nation, Bcz in present situation the signing of BSA and Pease is opposite slogan to each other.

Are they (11 Candidates) again would like to have 10 more years wrong partnership with USA? To kill Afghans by US troops, and destroy the country, and after that at the end of the day (10) years later they will know the demand of USA, that what America wants in Afghanistan and region? And the same like President Karzai at the end of the game will know the lesson learned.

Nowadays again under the holy name of the peace, arranged several peace conferences, the latest was the Dubai Conference, media, participant of Conference and Afghan Government said, the conference is organized by leader ship of the Afghan Taliban, media also broadcasted that Afghan Taliban are ready to have a peace negotiation with Afghan Government.

The High Peace Council high lever members gone to Dubai, and said, they will have peace discussion with the senior Taliban.

International and local media misleading International community, American and Afghan Nations, due to announcing that the senior Taliban had a peace conference in Dubai, actually majority of the participants of the Conference were invited from Kabul, and since long time they are leaving in Kabul, they had a frequently meetings with HPC in Kabul.

Those who went from Pakistan to Dubai Conference (Called Taliban Conference), some of them in different times came to Kabul, or they had meeting with HPC or the Afghan Government Officials in Pakistan.

Some of the participants of the mentioned called Taliban Conference, they received monthly salary from HPC and Afghan Government relative Departments.

If there is no real peace talks between the right sides, such kind proudly conferences and meetings confusing intellects of the Afghan Community, and don’t have any positive result. Even has negative result.

If we accept that there were Senior Taliban in Dubai Conference, so due to which reason they are not announcing the names of the participants particularly that they said there were Seven Former Taliban Ministers.

It is important that the participant of the Conference left from Kabul and Kandahar, if they don’t had a relation with Afghan Government, how can they flay from Kabul or Kandahar Airport?

The achievement of the conference was only victim of the Mowlawi Abdul Raqib, the Former Minister of the Refuges and Immigration, killed by unknown gun men in Peshawar Pakistan. Who was strong supporter of Mutasim Agha Jan, who was responsible person of the Dubai Conference?

Taliban called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan published a statement and said, Mutasim Agha Jan and participants of the Dubai Conference are not member of Taliban and they can’t represent The Taliban Islamic Emirate, they don’t have any responsibility with Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Media reported that the Obama Administration would like to release the Guantanamo 5 Afghan prisoners against the America prisoner Bergathl, but today the Whitehouse spokesman said they don’t talked with Taliban Accordingly. Anyhow it looks a good progress regarding the peace process, and a green light. If the exchange of the prisoners take place, the peace dialog will resume again.

Release of the 65 suspected Taliban prisoners From the Bagram Prison was also a good progress for the peace process, and it was a green light by President Karzai and USA to Taliban that they would like to have a genuine peace talks with Taliban and believe on peace talk.

American knows that they can’t win the Afghanistan fight, now would like to arrange and search a respectable way for withdrawal of the US troops.

America will think before withdraw of the US troops from Afghanistan regarding the real pace, to establish a strong and all groups comprisal Afghan government, and that government will be not a threat for International community, Europe and Central Asia.
