JFS ( August 16, 2010)
1) Tamim Samee and Time Magazine’s Aryn Baker Financial Interest in Afghan War. A recent Time Magazine cover story – “What Happens if We Leave Afghanistan” – by Aryn Baker, Time’s Afghan/Pakistan bureau chief, gave a boost to supporters of America’s continued military involvement in the country, reports John Gorenfeld for the New York Observer. But Time failed to disclose that Aryn Baker has a financial interest in the US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan: her husband, Tamim Samee, an Afghan-American IT entrepreneur, is a board member of an Afghan government minister’s $100 million project advocating foreign investment in Afghanistan, and has run two companies, Digistan and Ora-Tech, that have solicited and won development contracts with the assistance of the international military.
2) NATO and the UN are cautiously considering a Taliban proposal to set up a joint commission to investigate allegations of civilians being killed and wounded in the conflict in Afghanistan, the Guardian reports. A western diplomat said some senior NATO officers were keen on the idea but that no steps could be taken until it was considered “at the highest political level.”
3)Today, By U.S. Deaths, Afghanistan is Obama’s War
According to the data tallied by the website icasualties.org, which is regularly cited in the news media, as of today 575 U.S. soldiers had died in the Afghanistan war since Obama took office – the same number that died in the war under President Bush. News media often report on such landmarks; they should report on this one, and press secretary Robert Gibbs should be asked to comment on it. ( Huffington Post/JFP)